1 (805) GET-AQUA | 1.805.438.2782

Aqua Schedules Introduction

Learn about our scheduling system by clicking the links to the right if you're on a desktop or below if you're on a mobile device.

Role Based Features

Live Demo

Follow the following link to see our demo. View Demo.

Getting Started!

  • To watch a video tour of the agency interface click - Agency Tour
  • To watch a video tour of the interpreter interface click - Interpreter Tour
  • To watch a video tour of the requester interface click - Requester Tour


When we deploy Aqua Schedules for your agency you receive a website as a service. You can have us choose a domain (URL) for your website or we can send instructions to customize your domain. Typically, it takes 2-4 business hours to deploy Aqua Schedules once the deployment fee ($100) has been paid. Each Aqua Schedules website is isolated to an agency, we charge a minimum of $100 per month; which includes 200 appointments per month. After 200 appointments, each additional appointment is $0.50. We do not charge for non-billable canceled appointments.

Your website is for your agency, interpreters, and clients. You will find it has been optimized for both desktop and mobile viewing experiences. Accessing your website is done through your devices' browser; thus, no installations are ever required. Your clients with security policies that prohibit installation of software on their devices will be grateful.

We manage your Aqua Schedules website for you; therefore, we are an addition to your IT department. If your client expresses a need for security documentation please contact us; not all information is published online. Some Aqua Schedules security documentation is sensitive and may require a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).


Every person who uses your scheduling system is a user; each user registers an account using their email address and password. People should not share accounts: Access logs are not nearly as functional when people share accounts, also it is a violation of US HIPAA and national and international privacy acts. HIPAA regulation is enforceable for Agencies providing services to healthcare providers who may store patient healthcare information in Aqua Schedules.

There are three major roles in Aqua Schedules; agency personnel, interpreters, and requesters (people requesting interpreters). If someone has more then one role then they will need multiple email addresses.

Agency users must authorize all people accessing your scheduling system; we require this to protect your information. To authorize someone who has registered simply grant them the appropriate role: for more information; User Roles.


We recommend users new to Aqua Schedules explore the plethora of methods provided to view appointments, as the most effective method depends on the situation. Agency users will find they can create appointments from any webpage, minimizing disruption from tasks like billing or user management.

The agency can add custom fields of any type to the appointment form to collect additional information; their visibility can be adjusted for appointment types and user roles.

We provide four methods to assign interpreters to appointments. First, the Agency can allow interpreters to "claim" "qualified appointments". Claiming is when interpreters assign themselves to the appointment. Qualified appointments are those that meet language, gender, badges (other qualifications), and regions (geographic). Second, the Agency can allow interpreters to mark availability for qualified appointments. The agency selects one of the available interpreters and then the interpreter accepts or declines the appointment following selection. Third, Agency users can email interpreters an offer allowing them to mark availability or claim depending on the agencies settings; instead of using the website interpreters follow links in the email. Fourth, the agency can manually assign interpreters to appointments.


The initial configuration of the automatic calculation of appointments for billing in Aqua Schedules can be difficult: it takes many settings and parameters to automatically calculate customer charges and interpreter fees; once it is initially configured, human error is greatly reduced.

All parameters regulating client and interpreter rates are stored in billing bundles. Each customer and interpreter can have limitless billing bundles describing different rate scenarios. A billing bundle can be universal; available to all customers or interpreters. Only agency users with billing access can view billing bundles.

When appointments are completed the agency or interpreter can enter information that enables the system to calculate charges and fees. The information includes the status (describing the outcome of the appointment), a duration (or actual start and end time), and travel information (time and/or miles). You may want the interpreter to attach documents (voucher) to the appointment and/or have customers to mark approval and/or electronically sign for the appointment. These methods both facilitate an environment designed to minimize human error and save individuals from manually calculating appointment charges and fees.


Aqua Schedules provides both automated and user generated messages (email and SMS). Most messages are sent as an SMS unless they exceed 160 characters. Messages users compose are created in the user's area of the agency interface. The content of automated messages can be configured in the Agency's notification settings.

Agency Customers

The Agency's Customers are called Customers within Aqua Schedules and can be configured for a variety of circumstances. A typical customer has one billing account and one or more locations. Customers (e.g. a hospital) can have their requesters (e.g. an administrative aid) isolated to specific locations.

Billing Accounts

Customers can have more than one billing account to partition invoices for specific departments. Billing accounts are activated per Customer in their settings. If billing accounts are not activated the billing information is used in the customer settings form. You can also create an invoice that will include all billing accounts the same way you would create a invoice for a customer without billing accounts.


Locations in Aqua Schedules describe the place the interpreter will go for an appointment. Locations are linked to customers to be reusable. Aqua Schedules provides tools to provide location information (navigation and pin-point) to interpreters using maps/GPS services. Additional instruction can be added to locations to help direct interpreters.


Documents can be stored and linked to customers, users, and appointments. Documents stored to customers and users can include an expiration date; expiring documents are sorted in order of expiration in the resources area. There is no limit to how many documents are stored in Aqua Schedules; each document must be less than 20MB. In the resources area documents and hyperlinks can be shared with all interpreters and requesters.


Notes can be written and linked to customers, users, and appointments. The Agency users are the only user type that can view notes linked to users and customers. Appointment notes can be made private to be share only with users of the same role and Agency users. Only the user who creates a note can delete the note.

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