1 (805) GET-AQUA | 1.805.438.2782
To Deploy

$ 100

Per Appointment

$ 0.50

Minimum Per Month

$ 100

About Us

12 Years In The Industry

Our primary goal is to save agencies time. In order to accomplish this goal we provide scheduling solutions designed to pivot and scale as your agency grows. It's a complete acquisition-to-invoicing solution, providing requesters the ability to create appointments and interpreters to claim them with agency oversight. Aqua Schedules calculates charges and expenses, invoices and bills can synchronized with services like QuickBooks Online.

HIPAA compliant
Interpreters can claim jobs
Easily message interpreters
Link to QuickBooks Online
Mobile friendly
Compatible on all browsers
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1 (805) GET-AQUA | 1.805.438.2782

Size Independent

For Any Size Agency

We designed the system initially to automate workflows with a focus on safety and considered optimizations of standard workflows for a family member's agency. We then introduced features purchased by agencies who had different starting points and still continue with this when possible. This current edition is barely changing at all, hopefully at experts benefits although we still adapt to requirements.

We hope you're doing at least 200 appts a month, less then 200 appts is expensive per job.

250 appointments per day is difficult to automate in short order, we recommend partitioning dissimilar workflows.

Regions & Timezones included, we broke through those elevations long ago.

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1 (805) GET-AQUA | 1.805.438.2782


Our Style, Your Stylish

The developer handles all customer service, this requires point of contacts (POC) from agencies. It can be difficult to not warp in past renderings in active thought so we currently require text based communications for Aqua Schedules support. Agencies looking for internet solutions can use keyboards to create text messages. Agencies specialize in communicating with everyone, our focus is in digital languages interacted with keys.

Complete your thought in a bubble.
Small bit count.
Perfect notes with Gov issued backups.
Doesn't hint towards your hack-ability.
Doesn't try to repeat the past convo in every way imaginable.
Doesn't bounce through so many layers of spam control.
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1 (805) GET-AQUA | 1.805.438.2782

Advancement At All Levels

Edit Layout

You'll begin to learn about how programming works with a basic feature to edit the columns and configure data shown within called Edit Layout. At the top left of most datasets in Aqua Schedules is [Edit Layout], this only modifies your own perspective of that data. Agency Users can configure the defaults shown for user types on particular data sets by navigating to Settings => Edit Layout.

Change Column Order
Add/Remove Columns
Introduce HTML Style
Consider Device And Orientation
Keep Past Edit Layout Templates
Teach Others How To Help Focus
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1 (805) GET-AQUA | 1.805.438.2782

Scheduling Features

Calculating Charges

Billing Bundles

Billing bundles are a set of rules that describe how you charge a customer or pay an interpreter.

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See a summary of how the system generated the billing fees for a particular appointment.

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Invoicing Explained

Read about how Aqua Schedules makes invoicing easy and painless.

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Billing Periodicity

Set the periodicity for billing cycles.

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Tools Review

Review by billing period all the appointments in a gridview and get some basic overview information in the process.

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Pending Validation

This area will only show appointments that haven't been validated.

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Why Choose Us

Useful Benefits

Mobile and Desktop

Designed to work on mobile devices and even legacy browsers so your clients will always be able to connect.

Location Mapping

Interpreters can easily locate appointments at new locations with clicks to GPS websites.

Cloud Platform

Schedule always available using any online enabled device.

Your Own Domain

Have your customers go to your personal website instead of diverting them to another website you don't control.

Usage-Based Pay

Win-Win pricing motivates us to help you get the most out of your system.

Text and Email Notifications

Staff, interpreters, and requesters can all be alerted and notified by email or SMS.

Scheduling Features

Premier Calendar First Design

Day Visual

Displays appointments in a visual view by interpreter. See time marked off and clickable appointment bubbles.

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A timeline of appointments ordered vertically by when they occur.

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Day Grid

Provides sortable and filterable details for a given day with a small calendar provided to switch between dates.

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Monthly Calendar showing daily volumes, quantities unassigned, and quick links to some appointments.

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Billing Period

Displays appointments in a list format by billing period. Columns are filterable and sortable.

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See a list of future appointments that are not assigned to an interpreter.

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Scheduling Features

Appointment Tools

Distributing Appointments

There are three major ways of distributing appointments to interpreters.

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See a summary of how the system generated the billing fees for a particular appointment.

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Appointment Fields

Appointment specific details.

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Search for appointments via date range and additional filters or by appointment ID.

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Appointment Documents

Attach documents to appointments for vouchers, translations or any other needs.

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Badges are given to interpreters for certifications, immunizations and training to ensure the right interpreter is selected.

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1 (805) GET-AQUA | 1.805.438.2782

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