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Categorize appointments.

Typically used to inform the interpreter about the type of work. Associations can be made to billing bundles to select specific billing scenarios when multiple bundles exist for one customer. When Use Categories is enabled in Settings => General Settings you'll see an entry in Settings for Categories to name and enable specific settings for your categories.

  • Bill Customer: If set to no all appointments for this category is synchronized to a unique customer account. This will create a Billing - Category listing in the Billing tab. An example, State medical coupons are applicable for many customers and their locations although charges would be sent to a third party.
  • Visible to Requesters: Turn this option off to hide appointments filed in this category from requesters. This is often used in conjunction with Bill Customer if the requesters only want to see the appointments their company is paying for. Use this switch to hide appointments from requesters when necessary.


Settings - General


Regions allow Agencies to apportion appointments to interpreters by geographic regions.

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