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Billing Periodicity

Set the periodicity for billing cycles.

Billing periodicity is comprised of two parts; the interval for which you bill, monthly, weekly, daily; and, from and until dates which are the total range of intervals shown in billing period drop down menus.

Changing Periodicity

To change the billing periodicity (interval and range) navigate to Billing => Billing Periodicity.

Billing Period Default

The system will choose the current billing period by looking for the interval that contains today. If today is not between the 'from' and 'until' dates then a default can not be selected and unusual events may occur.

Q: I see December 31, 1969 in my custom date ranges.

A: Your billing periodicity doesn't include today within the date range determined by 'from' and 'until', please adjust that range to include today to resolve that conflict.

Q: A default billing period isn't chosen automatically anymore.

A: Your billing periodicity doesn't include today within the date range determined by 'from' and 'until', please adjust that range to include today to resolve that conflict.



Billing Periodicity

Set the periodicity for billing cycles.

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Tools Review

Review by billing period all the appointments in a gridview and get some basic overview information in the process.

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Tools Calculation

See a summary of how the system generated the billing fees for a particular appointment.

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Customer Billing

Generate invoices and sync them instantly with QuickBooks Online. Invoices can be printed, mailed, copied, and exported into other applications.

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Interpreter Billing

See invoices/bill/expenses related to interpreters.

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Billing Bundles

Billing bundles are a set of rules that describe how you charge a customer or pay an interpreter.

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Invoicing Explained

Read about how Aqua Schedules makes invoicing easy and painless.

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Tools Pending Validation

This area will only show appointments that haven't been validated.

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